
Copies a folder and its content from source to destination

  • Stored Procedure
  • SQL Server Compatibility: 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017


EXEC @SourceFolderPath, @DestinationFolderPath, @Recursive


Name Type Description
@SourceFolderPath varchar(MAX) Full path to the existing source folder
@DestinationFilePath varchar(MAX) Full path to a non-existing destination folder
@Recursive bit 1 = All sub-directories in @SourceFolderPath will be copied as well
0 = Existing sub-directories in @SourceFolderPath will NOT be copied.


Accessing the file system will be performed in the context of the SQL Server instance process. You can set SQL Server to run using a specific network account, or a Local System Account.

Sample Usage:

See Also: