
Downloads a file from a remote FTP Server

  • Stored Procedure
  • SQL Server Compatibility: 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017


EXEC SQLHTTP.net.FTP_FileDownload @URL, [@UserName], [@Password], @LocalFilePath, [@StatusCode], [@StatusDescription]


Name Type Description
@URL nvarchar(4000) Required. FTP address that includes the source file name.


@UserName nvarchar(200) Optional. Leave blank (NULL) for anonymous connections


@Password nvarchar(200) Optional. Leave blank (NULL) for anonymous connections


@LocalFilePath nvarchar(4000) Required. Destination file path for the downloaded file.


@StatusCode int Optional. Output Parameter. Numeric status of the response.


@StatusDescription nvarchar(MAX) Optional. Output Parameter. Status Description returned with the response.


Accessing the file system will be performed in the context of the SQL Server instance process. You can set SQL Server to run using a specific network account, or a Local System Account.

Sample Usage:

See Also: