
Associates an OAuth Authentication HTTP Request Header with an HTTP Session

  • Stored Procedure
  • SQL Server Compatibility: 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017


EXEC SQLHTTP.net.OAuthHeader @HttpSessionID, @URL, @Method, @ConsumerKey, @ConsumerSecret, @Token, @TokenSecret


Name Type Description
@HttpSessionID uniqueidentifier This value is obtained via the HttpSession stored procedure
@URL nvarchar(4000) Web address starting with either http:\\ or https:\\
@Method varchar(10) The request method, such as GET or POST, to use to contact the URL
@ConsumerKey nvarchar(4000) The Consumer Key generated by the RESTful web service API provider
@ConsumerSecret nvarchar(4000) The Consumer Secret generated by the RESTful web service API provider
@Token nvarchar(4000) The Token generated by the RESTful web service API provider
@TokenSecret nvarchar(4000) The Token Secret generated by the RESTful web service API provider

Sample Usage:

See Also: